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Cuboh is an online delivery aggregator for restaurants, ghost kitchens, multi-locations, and nationwide chains. With online order consolidation, restaurant teams can manage all their online orders from one device and benefit from automated reporting, insightful analytics, menu management, and more. Allowing managers and owners to make data-informed decisions about their operations and execute in real-time—reducing human error, improving output, creating growth, and building their online orders business.


Centralized dashboard: Make data-informed decisions about your business from one dashboard. Review analytics, see what strategies are working, and make smart plans for growth.

Seamless POS integrations: Automatically receive orders straight to your POS.

Online order consolidation: Manage all your orders from a single device.

Seven days a week customer support: They're here for you when you’re open.

Página web
Regiones admitidas
USA, Canada
Idiomas admitidos
Soluciones ofrecidas
Online-ordering Integrations
Socio industrial
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Hable hoy mismo con un experto en restaurantes y descubra cómo MarketMan puede ayudar a su negocio